NameMartin Luther Mathias
Birth3 Apr 1841, Franklin Co., OH47
Death7 Jul 1926, Columbus, OH47
Birth28 Jul 1844, Madison Co., OH98
Death15 Mar 1918, Franklin Co., OH98
Notes for Martin Luther Mathias
From Newton book:
MILITARY SERVICE:-In the Civil War, he enlisted as a private, Company B,18th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, United States Infantry, on the 10th day ofAugust 1861, and was honorably discharged August 10, 1864, after threeyears of faithful service to his country.
RESIDENT:- Washington Township, Franklin County, Ohio, in later years hemoved to Columbus, Ohio to live.
Although twins were no surprise in this pioneer home, little did fatherMathias dream when he took unto himself - Amanda Dominy as his wife, thattwins always have been an expected recurrence from the second generation.
With the snow swirling deep around the log farm home of the Machiasfamily, three miles north of Hilliards on that blizzard Christmas Day of1884, Mr. Santy Claus and Mr. Stork, who both had calls to make, decidedto buck the drifts together, to arrive at the same time.
The hour came after early darkness. Father Mathias whipped up his steedand raced for the doctor in the village of Hilliards, a few miles away,soon after 10:00 o'clock P.M. and to and behold! The Stork brought twins- a boy and a girl - this time. Upstairs in the loft reached by a ladder(tucked away in bed for the night) were the six year old twin brothers,who came to greet the family in 1878.
Father Machias was a carpenter and builder by trade, who had built someof the most beautiful country homes in that day. After his removal toColumbus, he retired from active work and watched the other fellow do it!
In his politics he was a standard bearer of the Republican partybelieving wholly in its principles. He lived past the three score and tento see his children grow to man and womanhood, and to enjoy the pleasureswith his children.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Luther Mathias celebrated their Golden WeddingAnniversary June 21, 1916 at their country home, one mile south of GroveCity, Ohio, on the Harrisburg Pike, Stop 33, The Grove City - OrientInterurban Car line.