NameFay Mathias
Birth25 Dec 1884, Franklin Co., OH47
Death5 May 1943, South Bloomfield, OH47
Notes for Fay Mathias
From Newton book:
Fay, one of the (Dominy - Mathias) twins, came into the lime light whenher parents had gone to the city to supply the family needs taking uponherself at teen age of twelve to surprise them by baking some pies.
"She mixed and mixed the dough", but low and behold the dough did not mixto suit her! Her brothers suggested to the little cook to add more lardand flour so she did! But still is didn't come out right. By this timethe kitchen was full of dough and covered with flour and the doughwouldn't roll.
It was about time for the return of her parents, so finally Fay gave itup as a bad job, clearing the premises, putting it back as left and gave"the Dough" to the hogs. Thus ended her first house keeping stunt.
Fay, nor her seven brothers and sisters, have begot twins. She feelscertain, that the Dominy "Twins" will be perpetuated. Doctors claim thattwins are never born to a generation in which twins occur, but beholdyou, - let the third generation look out into the future - for what mighthappen.