NameFlora Belle Mathias
Birth2 Mar 1887, Franklin Co., OH47
Birth15 Sep 1883, Franklin Co., OH47
Notes for Flora Belle Mathias
From Newton book:
Flora, last but not least of the Mathias-Dominy Clan, was reared on afarm in Washington Township, Franklin County, Ohio, receiving hereducation in the schools of the township ac Sandy's, close to her home.
She accompanied her parents on their removal to the city of Columbus,Ohio, where she married, raised her family and resided there until afterthe death of her second husband.
She was then united in marriage to Luther C. Mitchell, twin son of Lutherand Julia Armstead Mitchell of Kileville, Ohio. Luttie, as he is known,was a telegraph operator for the Toledo and Ohio Central Railroad, nowthe Chesapeake and Ohio. On his retirement from the service, he sold hishome at Kileville and purchased his present home in Plain City, wherethey now reside.