NameRay Mathias
Birth25 Dec 1884, Washington Township, Franklin County, OH47
Death28 Aug 1943, Columbus, OH47
Notes for Ray Mathias
From Newton book:
Ray was born in Washington Township, Franklin County, Ohio receiving hiseducation at Sandy's - just a stone's throw.
He got his sense of humor early in life by across-up in his ancestraldescendants. On his first day at school when the teacher would see alittle boy and a little girl dressed alike in their home made garmentsshe would ask if they were twins. Ray's answer would be "Fay's older thanI" - being born first.
His only complaint was being born on Christmas. He "gets cheated", thatone present "Doo's" both.
Ray followed the carpenter trade for twenty years as such for the BrownLamp Factory on Marion Road. Receiving an injury that caused him toretire from the work, he became watchman at the home of Edgar T. Wolfe,714 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio.