NameHenry Irwin Mathias
Birth12 Jun 1878, Franklin Co., OH47
DeathAug 1949, Columbus, OH47
Notes for Henry Irwin Mathias
From Newton book:
Henry was born upon the farm in Washington Township, Franklin County,Ohio, receiving his education in the schools of the township a shortdistance from his home (known as Sandy's). So the story goes, when itcame to serve the family meat; "It seems Henry gave Harvey (his twinbrother) all the lean meat, while he ate all the fat", hence Henry wasstoutly built, Harvey grew tall and lanky.
He was a butcher by trade, taking his apprentice ship with the oldTeeters packing house where he worked until he entered business forhimself. He operated a stand in the Central and North Market house wherehe served his many loyal friends until his health began to fail, retiringfrom business to be with his devoted wife, who proceded him to the greatbeyond.