NameAlfred M. Peeler
Birth19 Mar 1878, Warrensburg, Missouri47
Birth6 Jul 1884, Franklin Co., OH47
Notes for Alfred M. Peeler
From Newton book:
lfred is eligible to membership in Sons of American Revolution, althoughnot affiliated, there being no chapter in his city. He is the fifth sonof twelve children born to Doctor David and Isabelle Henderixson Peelerof Appleton, Missouri. Being of German ancestry, the name was originallyVon Buehler becoming anglicised to (Buller, Beeler and lastly Peelerafter coming to the United States of America, were Johannes Von Buehler)the Peeler landing at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1727.
He later moved to Ruthford now Cleveland County, North Carolina wheremany Peelers may still be found. Alfred is of the seventh Generation fromJohannes (Von Buehler) Peeler.
Many changes have come to the Pacific North-west since Alfred and Estellaarrived in 1907. At that time it required 24 hours by boat and two daysby stage and horse-back and foot trail to reach the frontier school atHoh River where they spent their first year deep in the Olympic Forest.They now arrive at the same place in a few hours over fast highways.
Seattle has grown from a raw young city to a metropolis as modern astomorrow. These Peelers love the salt air from the blue waters of PugetSound, the snow-capped Olympics and Cascades chat towers nearby, theclean fragrance and soft shadows of the beautiful ever-green forest andthe independent friendliness of the people who make temporary residenceat the Port of Entry from every quarter of the globe. Many return to makea permanent home.
However, fond memories call these two back to the beloved scenes and dearfaces of friends and family in Ohio and Missouri as frequently aspossible.
Estella and Alfred have not enjoyed the blessing of children.