NameEstella F. Dominy
Birth6 Jul 1884, Franklin Co., OH47
Birth19 Mar 1878, Warrensburg, Missouri47
Notes for Estella F. Dominy
From Newton book:
Estella, youngest daughter of Ezra and Anna (Ferris) Dominy, was born atthe farm home adjoining the farm home of her Grandfather Henry Dominy (4)near Hilliards, Ohio.
She attended school at a very early age with her sisters and brothers atthe little red school house known as the Dominy school or Sub-DistrictNo. 6.
When about five years of age, her father owing to poor health, moved hisfamily to Urbana, Ohio. Estella, carrying her McGuffey reader,accompanied the other children to be entered in the city schools.
When she gave her age and said she could read and count the teacherlaughed and called the Principal remarking "This baby says she can readand count." "Well!" said he, "Try her out." This she did and so theyentered her in advance first grade. But today at sixty-nine she stillfeels the sting of injured pride in having her veracity questioned.
Returning to the farm three years later, Estella continued in the homeschool becoming the first district student to graduate under the BoxwellExamination System. She attended Hilliards High School for three yearsbefore moving with her parents to Denver, Colorado, where she attendedCentral Business College and Barnes Commercial School, graduating, laterbeing employed by the Telephone Company.
At Business College she met a fellow-student, Alfred March Peeler,formerly a student at Warren's Normal School of Warrensburg, Missouri,whom she married. The ceremony was perform ed by Reverend Christian F.Reisner, pastor of the Grace Methodist Church of which she was a member.
These two made their first home in Leadville, Colorado, the highest cityin the United States. In 1907, answering the call of the West, they foundthe Pacific Coast much to their liking. Alfred followed the teachingprofession for nearly ten years before becoming a clerk under CivilService in the Puget Sound Navy yards at Bremertoh, Washington, in 1917.
Estella entered the same service a year later, both being employed in theTime and Payroll section of the Accounting Department from which theyboth retired on August 31, 1
He having served thirty years and three months, and she twenty-nineyears. The occasion was unique in that they were the first man and wifeknown to have retired on the same day.
Since retirement they have traveled most of the auto-routes betweenWashington, Ohio, and Missouri including California and most of thesouthern states.
Estella has had a membership in the N.S.D.A.R. for many years, servingactively since retirement with the Elizabeth Ellington Chapter ofBremerton, Washington.