NameEzra Dominy
Birth23 Nov 1847, Madison Co., OH98
Death7 Mar 1902, Franklin Co., OH98
Birth21 Jan 1849, Franklin Co., OH47
Notes for Ezra Dominy
From Newton book:
Ezra, the third son of Henry (4) and Harriett (Barlow) Dominy, was bornin Canaan Township, Madison County, Ohio. He received his education inthe six months winter school terms of that day in the township of hisnativity. He accompanied his parents to Washington Township, FranklinCounty, Ohio, in 1864.
He was united in marriage to Anna M. Ferris, daughter of N. E. and MariaL. (Samuels) Ferris, who located in Brown Township, in 1870, after theirmarriage (it is stated, as none of this family ever lived within theconfines of the township) they located on a farm in Norwich township, ashort distance from his parents.
In his early manhood, he learned the carpentry trade, which he followedin conjunction with farming. Later he sold his farm, having a closing outsale and moved his family to Urbana, Ohio, to do cabinet work for theKent - Barlow Furniture Company, which occupation he followed until hishealth began to fail.
After several years were spent to see if his health could be regained,which proved to no avail, he was taken by death in the prime of his lifeat 55 years.