NameHenry Egbert Dominy
Birth19 Aug 1877, Franklin Co., OH47
Death13 Sep 1930, San Francisco, CA47
Notes for Henry Egbert Dominy
From Newton book:
Bert, as known to all, son of Ezra and Anna (Ferris) Dominy, was bornupon the farm, receiving his elementary education in Sub-District No. 6,graduating from the Hilliards High school.
His health became impaired, so he went west to Denver, Colorado, where heentered the furniture business. After a few years, through the advice ofhis physician, who said that the altitude was too high and that he bestgo to Washington State. There, he entered the lumberman's trade and realestate business and later moved to Los Angeles, California. There heestablished one of the leading and largest real estate businesses in thecity. Bert was stricken with Bright's disease, dying in 1930, at the ageof 53 years.