NameElihu Knapp
Death29 Jan 1890, Madison Co., OH47
Birth22 Oct 1839, Madison Co., OH47
Death2 Oct 1897, Madison Co., OH47
Notes for Elihu Knapp
From Newton book:
ELIHU came to Darby Township, Madison County, Ohio, in 1816. After eightyears residence he removed to Canaan Township, Madison County. He hadalso been a resident of both Delaware and Union Counties, and a residentof Plain City, Ohio.
He owns 100 acres of land about a mile south of Amity, Ohio. He is afarmer by occupation, but in former years worked at the tanning andshoemaking trade.
He is now in his eighty-third year, one of the oldest residents of thetownship, having resided here for sixty-seven years, has been fullyidentified with the growth and improvement within the county, and hasheld many township offices.
He's had his "ups and downs", having been very unfortunate in the loss ofhis wives, but has kept a steady course onward and upward, havingsustained an unblemished character, and an undoubted integrity, has theentire confidence of his community; and is a most respected citizen ofCanaan Township.
He and his wife are members of the Universalist Church of Plain City,Ohio, he has been many times its Deacon. He being the largest donor inthe building and upkeep of the Church that both he and his wife so dearlyloved to worship. (The author attended his funeral, at that time beingone of the largest held in Plain City.)