NameAlmon Dominy
Birth4 Nov 1817, Madison Co., OH46
Death8 Dec 1882, Delaware Co., OH46
Death3 Dec 1882, Delaware Co., OH47
Death27 Sep 1865, Union Co., OH2,47
Marriage15 Dec 1838, Union Co., OH2
Notes for Almon Dominy
Newton book on p 88 notes death on 12/3/1882
From Newton book:
ALMOND, son of Jeremiah (1) and Abagail (Norton) Dominy, and his twinbrother (Alvin) were the first set of twins to be born in this family,which tradition has been frequently repeated down to the present time.
I found in my research, that twins in the Dominy family is hereditarycoming from Nathaniel (3) and Elizabeth (Eyers) Dominy, of which our linedescended to issue by Henry (1) and his wife, Elizabeth Dayton.
My wife's mother was a McCauley, born and raised in the neighborhood ofthe Dominy's. We would often take her to visit her aunts at Long's Chapeland Ostrander, traveling the Jerome and Ostrander Pike. When we wouldcome to a large two story brick house she would remark, "that's 'the OldDominy Home', I have visited there quite often also at parties." She wasa great friend to those Dominy girls, she married young - came to Dublinto live, often wondered what became of this family.