NameJames Norton 
Notes for James Norton
From Newton book:
The census of 1810, gives James Norton resided with his family inPlattsburgh, Clinton County, New York, consisted of two sons and fourdaughters, when the family removed to Darby Township, Madison County,Ohio, about 1811.
It appears that James Norton and his wife Dealany, and family, (twosons, John and Soloman, and three daughters, Keziah, Phoebe, and Lucinda,accompanied by his son-in-law, Jeremiah Dominy, who married theirdaughter, Abagail, in Plattsburgh, Clinton County, New York, in 1810,)came to Darby Township, Madison County, Ohio, in 1811. They resided inWorthington, Ohio, with a Mr. Bell. While there, Dr. Neil offered themland on what is now High Street, between the villages of Worthington andColumbus, in a price ranging from $2.00 to 3.00 per acre as to wherelocated. The price was too high for that day, so they purchased theirfarm on Sugar Run of about 300 acres, and cabins could be erectedthereon.
The old Norton home was erected just west of Sugar Run on the north side,where it crosses the Old Granville-Greenfield Stage Coach Line, (known asthe Post Road), now state route 161.
His holdings stretched from Post Road on both sides of Sugar Run,westward toward Big Darby Creek, just west of the Pittsburgh, Chicago andSt. Louis Railroad, (known as Pennsylvania Lines). On the north side ofSugar Run, where the County Road crosses the run going to the ForestGrove Cemetery, Jeremiah Dominy erected his cabin.