NameGeorge Dominy
Birth23 Aug 1877, Franklin Co., OH305
Death29 Oct 1954, North Lewisburg, OH305
Birth29 Sep 1881, North Lewisburg, OH47
Notes for George Dominy
From Newton book:
GEORGE was born in Washington Township, spending his youth and youngmanhood upon the farm as a laborer, receiving his education at oldSub-district No. 6 in his native township. After his marriage, since hiswife was a native of North Lewisburg, they returned to her home town tomake their future home.
He entered the railroad service of the Erie Company, as an assistantforeman in installing the Block System of communication. Receiving an eyeinjury after several years in the service, he retired from the railroadand busied himself on his truck farm where he raised plants of alldescriptions (one season selling over 50,000 sweet-potatoe slops)supplying the surrounding community's wants - as "By George" has it -just ask and see.