NameEdmond B. Dominy
Birth25 Jun 1839, Madison Co., OH98
Notes for Edmond B. Dominy
From Newton book:
Edmond was born in Madison County, Ohio, preparing himself as a farmer,but when his father sold his holdings in his native county, heaccompanied his parents to their new holdings in the Township ofWashington, County of Franklin, Ohio.
He located upon the Elrick farm of 120 acres purchased by his father in1864, who later sold and subdivided the farm about 1870 between him(Edmond) and his brother Jerry, who had purchased from Mrs. Warner, herfarm of 10 acres across the road from Edmond.
He made farming life's ambition, rearing his family of four sons and onedaughter. In 1888 in early manhood, - "as life entering into full bloom -at the age of 49, he was taken by death."