NameWilliam Duglass Dominy
Notes for William Duglass Dominy
From Newton book:
RESIDENT:- Washington and Norwich Townships, Franklin County, Ohio. Movedto Plain City, Madison County, Ohio.
Willie, as he was known to all, was born on his father's farm in hisnative township and county where he worked and lived until after hismarriage.
His health was always not the best. He had been warned by a physicianfrom his boy-hood days that he must take care of himself. He sold hisequipment and moved his family to Plain City, where he lived, when hisdevoted wife preceded him in death. He enjoyed the ripe old age of thelate seventies.
I think it would be interesting to relate a little story I know thatactually happened. Uncle Ed, as we called him, lived across the fieldfrom our home in hollering distance, and we boys were always together.George, the baby, whom we called "Tag Along! if couldn't go! alwaysbawled."
Well, it happened this way. They plowed a patch of new ground to sow toturnips for winter use. So once a week we had a boiled dinner or supper,consisting of sow-belly, turnips, and potatoes. OH! Boy! Great eating, tosee the fat running down your chin and dropping off.
I'm just a little ahead of what I want to tell, one late fall day it wassnowing and getting cold. So Uncle Ed called over to my father (Jerry),"we best pull and top the turnips, before they freeze." So we boys had toprepare for the occasion. Coming into our teens, we felt we were to bemen soon if we had a chew of tobacco in our mouths.
We were busy pulling the turnips to top and pile which they covered withthe turnip tops to protect them until ready to bury or put in cellar forwinter use.
WELL, it happened - standing bent over pulling turnips, "Willie"swallowed his cud of tobacco, and didn't he get sick. OH! Today I canstill see Uncle Ed put him over his shoulder, his head hanging down,holding him by his legs going to the house.
Aunt Ret, as we called her, saw Uncle coming with Willie and began toscream and wring her hands. "OH! OH! What's the matter with Willie! Oh!Get a Doctor quick!" "No! Loretta No! No! Willie will be alright in alittle bit."
Pretty soon it happened, Willie's stomach couldn't stand the strain andup came a big cud of tobacco."Now Loretta, I told you Willie would comeout alright."
So you see, - it all happens - something in our early youth - somethingto remember of those days passed and gone, never to return.