NameWirth Early Dominy
Notes for Wirth Early Dominy
From Newton book:
DOMINY, WORTH EARLY - their second son left his home unawares, and hiswhere abouts is unknown to his Father and Mother, (a mother's love forher roving son never ceased - until taken by death) for more than 16years until the onset of World War Two when news reached his father thathe was in the army at Fort Knox, Kentucky.
His father went to Fort Knox to see if the report was true and found thatWorth had entered the army from Chloe, Nebraska, and had been sent toFort Knox to train for a Motor Mechanist Repairman of the Army Air Force.He was attached to the 28th Airborne Squadron for service. After hisdischarge he returned to his father's home for a short stay and thenreturned to Omaha, Nebraska. When last heard from he was a resident ofArcher, Missouri.