NameD. Corwin Dominy
Birth14 Mar 1911, North Lewisburg, OH47
Birth22 Sep 1908, Logan Co., OH47
Notes for D. Corwin Dominy
From Newton book:
"Assets at time of marriage after necessary Fee ($5.00) Five Bucks. Cameimmediately to Cincinnati, where Ralph Wirick helped me get employment atthe stupendous salary of $13.00 per week, at the John Shillito Co.
"Shortly l made a connection, and became a "Traveling Salesman",selling bread wrappers (Printed Wax Paper to Bakers). I was on this jobfor seven years, traveling about 1000 miles a week. We made our home inPittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and I traveled Pennsylvania, New York Virginia,North Carolina, and Kentucky, and I was often gone from home three weeksor more at a time.
"After (7) seven years and no money to show for my efforts, I quit thetraveling accent quick, because I've never been fired yet! Then I spent ayear in life insurance, where I lost my shirt and two pair of pants. WhenI saw my uncle and my own brother buy insurance from someone who was nota blood relative but was already established, I decided that you need abreak, so make it yourself and to Hell with relatives.
"Fortunately, I made a contract and became sales representative for AdamWuest Incorporated. The firm is now (101) one hundred and one years old.We manufacture mattresses, box springs and studio couches.
"I have been with this firm now for many years, and without a doubt theyare the finest employers any one could wish for. In our firm there is noReligious or Racial discrimination. Further, there is no NEW DEAL, FASTDEAL, RAW DEAL, "Something for Nothing" psy chology that is so prevalenttoday.
"We built a new home last year, and with our very comfortablesurroundings, and our two wonderful children, we are indeed contented.May we keep our health, and enjoy it all to the fullest - under theDivine guidance given.