NameGeorge Lewis Stammler
Birth29 Mar 1910, Columbus, OH47
Birth9 Nov 1909, Columbus, OH47
Notes for George Lewis Stammler
From Newton book:
In World War Two, George Lewis, was inducted into the United States Armyat Fort Hayes, Columbus, Ohio, on May 6, 1942; sent to Fort Knox,Kentucky, for eight months Basic training, with the 8th Armored Division.
He received the Classification- Bandsman; carrying the rank of Technician5th Grade, serial do. 35403495ยท After a continental service of two years,six months, and six days of rigid training the 8th Armored Division wasready for overseas duty.
On November 7, 1944, his outfit left New York City, New York, on anEnglish Passenger Ship made over into a transport.
Embarking at Southampton, England about November 20, 1944 and after ashort reconioiter, the division moved up to the front ready for action.
In the following Campaigns and Battles: the Division made a great recordfor themselves. Rhineland, Ardennes, and Central Europe. After a foreignservice for one year, and thirteen days, they left for Le Havre, France,port of embarkation arriving back in the good old U.S.A., and George wasdischarged at Indian Town Gap, Pennsylvania, on November 25, 1945.
DECORATIONS AND CITATIONS:- Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal,European, African, Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, with three BronzeStars, World War II Victory Medal.
George Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stammler, was born in the cityof Columbus, Ohio. He received his elementary and high school educationin the Columbus City schools, graduating from South High in 1928. Heattended Ohio State for one year in the College of Arts and sciences. Heentered the field of Commercial Produce Business on his return fromactive service He reentered the Produce Business as a GeneralSuperintendent, which he now serves.