NameJohn William Elder
Birth23 Feb 1907, Columbus, OH47
Birth16 Dec 1907, Columbus, OH47
Notes for John William Elder
From Newton book:
John William, son of John and Myrtle Stith Elder, was born in Columbus,Ohio. He attended the Bexley schools for twelve years, graduating, hisparents having moved to Bexley in 1913. He attended Ohio State Universityand graduated in the Class of 1929 from the College of ElectricalEngineering. After graduation he received a position with the AmericanBridge Company of Ambridge, Pennsylvania, until April 1934.
He returned to Columbus, Ohio to accept a position with Buckeye SteelCasting Company, and at the present time he is Superintendent ofMaintenance in charge of Mechanical Power and Yard Department.
He has been an active member of the Broad Street Presbyterian Church allhis life, being a Deacon now, a position he has held for several years.
His two children are Barbara Lucille, a junior at Ohio WesleyanUniversity, Delaware, Ohio. and William Foy, a freshman at Ohio StateUniversity, in the College of Electrical Engineering, Columbus, Ohio.