NameRobert L. Hovorka
Birth25 Jan 1920, San Francisco, CA47
Notes for Robert L. Hovorka
From Newton book:
Robert L. in World War Two, enlisted in the Army of the United StatesSeptember 15, 1942, while a student at the University of San Francisco,attending the Reserve Corps school for nine months studying radio theory,operation and maintenance.
Bob entered active service on June 11, 1943, and was assigned to CampKohler, California, qualifying for the specialized Training Program andwas then transferred to Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio to studyElectrical Engineering.
At the close of A.S.T.P. he transferred to Fort Monmouth, New Jersey tostudy fixed station radio transmitters, and was assigned to 4025 SignalService Group, Asiatic - Pacific Theater on October 10, 1944.
Stationed at Hollandia, New Guinea, he installed and maintained fixedstation transmitting equipment. He was one of six who planned,constructed, and operated Armed Forces Radio Station W. V. T. F.
He returned to the states on the 24th of February 1946, and wasdischarged on March 10, 1946.
DECORATIONS AND CITATIONS:- Philippine Liberation Ribbon. Asiatic -Pacific Campaign medal. American Campaign Medal. World War Two VictoryMedal.
Bob attended the University of San Francisco, taking premedical courseuntil enlistment in the army. At present, the California School of FineArts and the Art League of California where he is now enrolled studyingCommercial Art Technique, graduating with the highest honor in the schoolof Fine Art and Art League of California, which prepared him as aProfessional Artist.