NameCharles William Lewis
Birth19 Sep 1905, Columbus, OH47
Birth6 Mar 1903, Dublin, OH47
Notes for Charles William Lewis
From Newton book:
Charles or Chuck as he is known, received his education in the ColumbusCity schools, graduating with honor from North High School in the springof 1924, "As his marriage had to be kept a secret or he could not havecompleted his education".
He was one of North's star athletes in the fields of Baseball,Basketball, and Football, receiving special recognition in football andbasketball.
He supervised basketball two seasons for the Dublin High School Team. Heentered carpentry with his father for a number of years, then went towork for the Borror Brothers Contractors, until he entered the carpenterbusiness for himself.
He is now one of the leading builders in the city of Columbus, a memberof the National Home Builders Association, also the Home Builders ofColumbus, Ohio.