NameNewton J. Dominy
Birth1 Jul 1872, Washington Twp., OH47
Birth23 Jun 1875, Washington Twp., Franklin Co., OH47
Death4 Sep 1953, Dublin, OH47
Notes for Newton J. Dominy
From Newton book:
ewton was reared upon the farm and his education began in the school ofold Sub-district No. 6, in that day commonly known as "Dominy's College"because the location was upon land owned by Grand-father and four Dominyfamilies were represented therein.
I've seen enrolled in chat old one room school not less than 50 to 80girls and boys from six to twenty-one years old, taking advantage of theopportunity afforded them.
What man does not like to recall his old school days, and let his mindwander back, in these few lines, to the only living school mate-today, aswe started to school more than seventy five years ago?
I've wandered back to old sub-district No. 6. I've sat beneath the tree,an elm it used to be.
Upon the school house playing ground, which sheltered you and me;
But none were left to meet me, Abe, and few are left to know.
Who played with us upon the grass, some 75 years ago.
The old school house is altered now, the benches have been replaced now.
By a home, that has taken it over now.
But the same old bricks are in the walls, the old bell does not swing,Abe, as it did some 75 years ago.
The spring that bubbled, neath the hill, is very low;
And kneeling down, dear Abe, to get a drink was startled so,
To see how much, I changed since 75 years ago.
But few are left of our old class, excepting you and me.
And when our time is come, Abe, and we are called to go;
I hope they will lay us where we played, more than 75 years ago.
Years have passed and the old school has ceased its usefulness. From thisschool there has been a continuous improvement in buildings and method ofteaching year by year, by the modern centralized schools of the township.I went three years to high school at Hilliards, Ohio.
In 1892, the Ohio Medical College moved into its new building on NorthPark Street, Columbus, Ohio, offering courses in Medicine, Surgery,Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Nurses training. In the fall of 1893, I enteredOhio Medical College, graduating in the spring of 1896.
While attending medical college I took advance training in Physiologicaland Clinical Chemistry with Microscopy, relative to Plant action andAnimal energy on the human system.
Acting as assistant in the chemical laboratory, I had the honor of makingtwo "Quantative Toxicological Analysis and Diagnosis", of suspected casesof poisoning. The analysis showed and proved that they had been givenArsenic and Morphine in quantity to produce the desired results.
The Ohio Medical College united with the Starling Medical College, andafter consolidation became the Ohio Medical University, which is nowabsorbed by the Ohio State University, and is now known as the College ofMedicine, College of Dentistry and College of Nursing - with advancedtraining in the Science-Art of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing - formed thegreat "Medical Center" - to Ohio State University, which, I am proud tobe a part thereof.
I followed the profession as a Pharmaceutical Chemist until 1905, howeverowing to ill health and through the advice of physicans I quit thepractice taking up carpentry in 1906. In 1913 I entered the contractingbusiness until 1926.
In boyhood days, I had the desire to attend rallies with father andgrand-father, as there were in those days marching delegations carryingbanners "Symbolic of their Views".
I went with them to Columbus to attend the Foraker - Reed rally in behalfof the election of McKinley for Governor of Ohio. I was delegated tocarry a very large banner, as it seemed no one else cared to tackle it.The banner was four feet long, two feet wide and thirty inches high, witha row of lighted candles through the center, suspended on a shaft highabove my head.
The line of match was from the east front of the State Capitol, south onThird to Main Street, west to High Street, thence north to GoodaleStreet, west to the old Goodale Park skating rink building, where thespeeches were made.
When on the march I was greeted from the sidewalks - "You're a wellgreased boy!" and I would answer back, "It's McKinley grease, will allcome out in the wash! - by cracky!" With flares making the line of marchthe colors of the rainbow, it was a beauty to behold.
My political activity started in 1908, when elected to the RepublicanState Central Comittee representing my township, in said bodycontinuously until 1926, then getting the appointment as postmaster atDublin, Ohio, continuing as such for a period of eleven years-resigning.
I was elected eighteen years as Clerk-Treasurer of the township. Byvirtue of said office was exofficio clerk of the township Board ofEducation, and was the foremost instigator in the consolidation andcentralization of the schools of the township, for the better educationof its children.
Served two terms as First Deputy County Recorder, also four years asFirst Assistant Fire Marshal of Investigation. I am a firm believer inrepresentative Government, as drawn by our fore-fathers, backed by, andbased on, Jeffersonian principles, given us through the Declaration ofIndependence, as laid down by the Constitution.
If we as a Nation adhere to these, our prosperity will be untouched, andour livelihood excelled by none.