NameJeremiah Dominy
Birth17 Oct 1841, Madison Co., OH98
Death18 Jun 1921, Franklin Co., OH47
Birth19 Dec 1845, Amity, OH47
Death3 May 1929, Franklin Co., OH47
Notes for Jeremiah Dominy
From Newton book:
MILITARY SERVICE:- Company K. First Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Age20 years. Height 5', 11 1/2", Eyes blue, Hair Brown. Occupation - farmer.
RESIDENT:- Canaan Township, Madison County, Ohio. Removed to WashingtonTownship, Franklin County, R.F.D. No. 1, Hilliards, Ohio
Jeremiah (2) was a representative of the agriculture interest of FranklinCounty. He belongs to one of the oldest agricultural families in Ohio andthe nation. His grand-father Jeremiah (1), was born in Suffolk County,Long Island in 1789, New York, and came to the state of Ohio in 1811.
His ancestors being of "Puritan" stock made them well adapted to copewith and well fitted them to meet the dangerous conditions they had tomeet in developing this country and the northwest frontier, making it nowthe leading agricultural section of this day.
He was born in Canaan Township, Madison County, Ohio, a son of Henry (4).He spent the first twenty-three years of his life in the county of hisnativity. In the spring of 1864, after his discharge from the service, heaccompanied his parents on their removal to Washington, Township,Franklin County, Ohio.
He was educated in the common school during the winter months, and in thesummer worked on the farm until the Civil War when he enlisted September21, 1861 at the age of 20 at Camp Chase as a private of Company K., FirstCavalry under the command of Captain Forshee and Colonel Smith.
He participated in the battles of Farmington, Boonville, Blackland andCorinth, Mississippi; Bardstown and Perryville, Kentucky; Franklinton andStone River, Tennessee; Russelville and Courtland, Alabama. At the lastnamed on the 25th day of July 1862, all his company with the exception ofsixteen were captured. He, however, was fortunate enough to escape.
There was fighting daily from Manchester to Shiloh, Tennessee. He was onthe skirmish line and scouting day and night. In June 1862, heparticipated in the seige of Corinth. Owing to a disability received inthe line of duty, he was discharged at Laverne, Tennessee, on Feb. 27,1863. His discharge carried the following: "By the physical condition ofthe soldier, what-so ever may occur renders him unfit for the Army."
Returning to his home, it was some time before he recovered sufficientlyto resume farming. On December 15, 1864, he was united in marriage toEleanor Sager, daughter of John and Margaret (Bogan-Wright) Sager, ofAmity, Canaan Township, Madison County, Ohio.
After his marriage, he entered jointly with his uncle Jonnie Norton,farming until 1870, when he purchased his home of 10 acres from RachelWarner, and also 60 acres, from his father, the west half of the BarnardElrich farm. In later years he purchased 12 1/2 acres belonging to theheirs of Enick Brittingham, which joined his farm on the south making hisholding of 80 1/2 acres in Washington Township, Franklin County, Ohio. Asthe result of his well directed efforts, he was the possessor of acomfortable competence.
He was a member of the John A. Spellman Post, Grand Army of the Republicof Hilliards, Ohio. He was a stalwart Republican supporter, unchangeablein his advocacy of its principles. He was true and loyal to his duties ofcitizenship always, as when he followed "Old Glory" National Emblem onthe southern battle fields.