NameJohn Goodrich
Birthabt 1575, prob. Suffolk, England298
Death21 Apr 1632, St. Mary's Parish, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England298
DeathBET. 14 APR - 16 MAY 1632
Marriage7 Aug 1615, St. James', Bury St. Edmunds298
Notes for John Goodrich
"His will, dated 14 Apr. 1632, gave his wife Margery his house in Buryand certain lands for life, then equally to his four sons, William theelder, William the younger, John, and Jeremie; to son John (under 21) hishouse and lands in Hessett; L100 apiece to sons William the elder,William the younger, and Jeremy (all under 21); Margerie and William,children of brother Henrie Gooderych; three youngest children of sisterSusan which she had by her first husband, John Locke; charitablebequests; wife Margarie, sole executrix; Thomas Chaplyne and ClementChaplyne (brothers), Jeremy Stafford, and "Cosen" Robert Gooderich, allof Bury, supervisors. Margerie died before the will was proved 16 May1632, and the two Chaplins administered." - (pg. 552, Hale, et al)