NameJohn Goodrich
Birthaft 1611, England (prob. in or near Bury St. Edmonds, Co. Suffolk)297,287
DeathApr 1680, Wethersfield, CT297
Notes for John Goodrich
"John is first mentioned in 1643 as signing with Francis Norton a'declaration' written by Mr. Clement Chaplin, 'tending to the defamationof Mr. [Henry] Smith,' and was fined forty shillings. He was sued bySamuel Smith, 4 Mar 1646/7, and by George Chappell, 7 Sept. 1648. Heserved on a jury, 4 Dec. 1645. His lands in Wethersfield were recordedin 1644." -- (pg. 552-3, Hale, et al)