NameEliphus Tarpening
Birth1827, Madison Co., OH47
DeathAug 1862, Cumberland Gap, MD47
Birth22 Oct 1839, Madison Co., OH47
Death2 Oct 1897, Madison Co., OH47
Marriage4 Nov 1861, Madison Co., OH
Notes for Eliphus Tarpening
From Newton book:
MILITARY SERVICE. :-- Old Madison County History gives- Company G. for 90days. On the first call for troops in April, 1861, this company wasimmediately raised at Plain City, went to Lancaster, Ohio, where it wasmustered into the 17th Regiment on the 5th of June 1861, consisting of 90men and Officers.
On the 3rd day of August 1861, having served over his time, he returnedhome and two days later was mustered out of the service. Two companiesformed in Madison County, if not all of the men who returned joined otherregiments returning back to service.
Company K. Three year men. This company was organized in Madison County,mustered into the service as the Ninty-fifth Ohio Regiment August 19,1962at Camp Chase, consisting of 100 men, including its Officers.
He was killed at Cumberland Gap, Maryland, in August, 1862.
NOTE: "I have nothing on the Tarpening family. I only know he entered theCivil War before my mother (Laura Ann) was born. He saw her just oncewhen she was a few months old.
"They traveled by horse and wagon to Camp Chase so that GrandfatherTarpening could see his daughter before he went to battle. He was killeda few months later at Cumberland Gap."
By Geraldine Maud (Strickland) Crandell.