NameEzra Dominy
Birth7 Sep 1819, Madison Co., OH
Death8 Jul 1845, Darby Township, Madison Co., OH
Death8 Jul 1845, Delaware Co., OH50
Birth11 Nov 1824, Madison Co., OH51
Death12 Jul 1845, Darby Township, Madison Co., OH51
Marriage22 Dec 1842, Madison Co., OH2
Notes for Ezra Dominy
From Newton book:
EZRA was the fifth son of Jeremiah and Abigail (Norton) Dominy, born andreared in the county of his nativity. He married Hester Ann Beach, thedaughter of Doctor and Mrs. Edith (Bull) Beach, Darby Township, MadisonCounty, Ohio.
They had one son Lorenzo Beach, named for his maternal grand-father. Hisparents died soon after his birth, he being only one year and four monthsold. He lived with his grandparents until their death, havingaccompanying them to Illinois.
By the will of his grand-father, Doctor Beach, Lorenzo was left a $1000dollar legacy. At the age of 19, he invested his holdings in land at adollar an acre where the city of Fairbury, Illinois is now located.