NameLorenzo Beach
Birth7 Nov 1798, New Haven, VT47
Notes for Lorenzo Beach
From Newton book:
The subject of this sketch is Doctor Lorenzo Beach, son of Abel andElizabeth (Kilbourn) Beach. Dr. Beach was born in New Haven, Vermont,November 7,1798.
He came to Ohio in the fall of 1813, joining his brother Uri atWorthington, Ohio. He availed himself of such opportunities asWorthington afforded for improving his education. About 1816 or 1817, hecommenced the study of medicine at Worthington Medical College andafterward went to Urbana, Ohio, to take a course of instruction fromDoctor Carter.
He was one of a class of ten students under Doctor Carter, and upon thecompletion of the course, Dr. Carter gave them a "Certificate" of thisfact. Dr. Beach located at Amity, Ohio, in his twenty-second year.
The amount of professional business transacted in those days, whenphysicians were scarce was limited by the capacity to labor; theytraveled every where on horseback as the territory extended often tofifteen and twenty miles in all directions.
When the good Doctor Beach, about 1826, decided to give up the practiceof his profession, there was needed a store in which to keep a generalassortment of goods to supply the people of the community.
In view of this demand, the good Doctor and his brother Uri purchased atract of land from Doctor James Comstock, upon which the town of AMITY,Ohio now stands, and commenced to layout the town. A. CARY surveyed andlaid out one tier of lots on each side of the road. In all thirty-threelots were platted and recorded at London, Ohio, April 11, 1831 as NewCanaan; but in November 1834, Doctor Beach recorded an addition to thetown by James Millikin, and the name was changed to Amity, Ohio. Thefirst Post Office was established in 1830.
For some years Doctor Beach was the leading merchant in the north part ofthe county, and he began-to apply his capital in real estate. For severalyears he was the largest land holder and the heaviest trader in livestock, one of the leading capitalists that Darby township had.
In 1853, when land in the north part of the county was selling for fromthirty to forty dollars per acre, he began to dispose of his holdings.Then going to Illinois, he invested his money in land warrants that werethen abundant on the market, at 80 cents an acre, and he purchasedseveral thousand acres of land in McLean, Ford, Kankakee, and LivingstonCounties, Illinois.
He married Miss Edith Bull, of Franklin County, Ohio, who lived nearWorthington, Ohio, about the time he commenced the practice of medicine."I was well acquainted with the Bull family, as far back as the GayNineties and I was offered 10 acres of land from the Old Bull homesteadat the corner of Oakland Park and North High for $3000. About the 1900the homestead sold for a $1000 per acre. How about that for aninvestment?" He married again after the death of his first wife (Edith),to a widow, (name not known to me), in Fairbury, Illinois.
Seeing opportunities would be better for applying his capital, he removedin 1853 to Livingston County, Illinois, where he resided until his death.He engaged largely in real estate and was successful. In person, he wasof medium height, rather slender. He was quick and active in movement -of a cheerful disposition. His energy was untiring, and he had a stock ofphysical and mental health that never failed him until a short timebefore his death. He was thoroughly honest and went through life doingwhatever his hands found to do! He died at his home in Fairbury, inAugust 1878, in the eighty-first year of age.
In my research, I have been unable to ascertain how many children, HE andEDITH by issue had! -the only records that I have is HESTER ANN born in1824. She married EZRA DOMINY about 1840, they had one son named LORENZOBEACH, (a name sake of his maternal grandfather). At the death of hisparents in infancy, he was raised by his Maternal Grand-parents.