NameCharles W. Mitchell
Birth26 Feb 1797, Westmoreland Co., PA47
Death2 Aug 1882, Washington Twp., Franklin Co., OH47
Death30 Jan 1899, Washington Twp., Franklin Co., OH47
Notes for Charles W. Mitchell
From Newton book:
The subject of this sketch was born in Pennsylvania, and migrated to Ohiowith his parents in 1815. His education was limited, that being the casein those pioneer days where the development largely depended uponstalwart and sturdy frontiersmen. Although limited as he was he becameone of the township's most influential farmers and business men of thatday.
All people knew him - and in need called upon "Uncle Charlie" as he wasknown to them and assistance was willingly given.
At the death of his father in 1823 he took charge of the estate who byWill devised his property to his wife and children, giving each 150 acresof land, with the exception of his wife Eliza and sons Charles andWilliam, to whom he gave 300 acres, on condition that they pay his debts,which was a considerable sum.
A short time after the death of their father, Charles and William starteddown the Scioto River in a flat boat they built, loaded with flour, pork,potatoes and other produce of the farm.
This being in the spring, when the river was high by the spring freshets,so they could shoot the rapids and dams built across the river, theirdestination being New Orleans, Louisiana On their arrival at that city,they found the market supplied with produce, and in consequence theyreceived but enough to clear expenses which had been made on the trip.
Quite early by the records "Charles" slaughtered some 2200 head of hogsin one season. Of the pork made most was shipped to Liverpool, England. Itake from his (Charles) records, which I have in my possession thefollowing which might be interesting to the family in futuregenerations:
October 18, 1849: Bought from George W. Dunn, 1519 hogs for $3142.42.
March 11, 1850: Paid George W. Dunn /or in all 163 barrels o/ salt -$289.10 Paid George W. Dunn for in all 746 empty pork barrels - $491.35.For in all Paid George W. Dunn /or hauling 746 barrels to Columbus, Ohioc@ 23ยข barrel - $171.58. Paid George W. Dunn for hauling 147 barrels ofsalt from Columbus, Ohio - $26.82. For in all for killing and packing1010 hogs $320.00
This pork was shipped to Liverpool, England, making a nice investment atthat time.
Another incident connected with this family is interesting to note, thatthree brothers, Charles, William, and Hugh married three sisters, ElizaD., Mary W., and Jane M. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reed, who wereearly settlers in Darby Township, on Big Darby Creek near Milford Center,Union County, Ohio.
After his marriage to Eliza D. Reed, Charles still occupied the homebuilt by his father in 1822, and since has been continuously occupied. Itis a strongly constructed frame building, and from ail appearances willstand another century.
He and his wife were early members and were the founders of thePresbyterian Church in the community of Dublin, Ohio. The first serviceof this church was held in his father's Log Cabin. They were constantmembers of the church of their choice for more than forty years.
To his politics, he was an ardent believer and supporter of Jeffersonianand Jackson principles having been elected a number of times townshipland appraiser, giving the people of his township his best efforts in theappraised value of their farms from their productiveness to produce.
In behalf of my wife Anna Mitchell Dominy, I am inserting the founding ofthe Presbyterian Church of Dublin by Charles W. Mitchell Sr., which wasread by her at the Ladies Guild of the Community Church of Dublin, Ohio.
"I will try to give a brief memoir of the Presbyterian Church, whoseprinciples were held in the highest esteem by my ancestors, Charles W.Mitchell Sr. and Jane Robinson Mitchell, his wife, and family of six sonsand three daughters, who migrated from Robstown on the YoughioghenyRiver, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania by flat boat and overland byfour horse wagons, to Chillicothe, Ohio. Stopping there, he purchased1070 acres of land from Walter Dunn, just a ,,mile north of Dublin on thewest bank of the Scioto River in the spring of 1815.
"He erected their Log cabin just about a hundred yards south of thepresent two story home built in 1822, which has been constantly occupied,and at present by Mr. and Mrs. George Quillin.
"Charles W. Mitchell and wife, my great grand-father, the founder of thischurch, threw open their log cabin, and the first sermon in Dublin waspreached by a Presbyterian Divine , the Reverend James Hoag in 1817. Hecontinued its pastor for a number of years.
"A handful of Christian neighbors gathered at the Mitchell cabin, enjoyeda discourse by a member of the church they favored, which was greatlyreceived, but was no organization until about 1829, when a church wasformed. Some of the early members were: the Mitchells, the Johnsons, theO'Haros, the Donaldsons, the Isenburgs, and others.
"Grandfather and Grandmother Mitchell were constant members of the churchof their choice for more than sixty years, and the Mitchell family heldDeacons and Deaconesses through ninety years of the church's existence.
"About 1870 Grandfather Mitchell suggested to the church trustees andelders, that if they would build an entrance and belfry, he wouldpurchase a bell. The entrance to the church was a large platformextending across the front of the church. The belfry was built in thecenter of this platform about six steps up. The trustees and eldersconsented, the entrance provided, and the bell purchased. This bell wassolid Bronze Bell Metal, and the cost was five hundred dollars.
"It was the largest bell in Dublin and vicinity. When rung, its notespealed out joyous tidings a distance of three miles telling that the hourwas approaching for communion or the passing on of one of the churchmembers.
"After disbandment this bell was given to the Presbyterian church atWorthington, Ohio, by the membership of the church, who authorized thetrustees to give this bell, if they would accept it as a memento of theearly founders of the churches in these communities, where they so dearlyloved to worship.
"The last minister to serve was Reverend H. I. McAdams of Worthington,Ohio, and some of its members at that time were: The Mitchell's, Mr. andMrs. F. P. Goble, Doctor and Mrs. Seeds, Doctor and Mrs. McKitrick , MissAddie Davis, and the retired Doctor Reverend Curtis, and others, aboutforty in all.
"On Sunday at midday the 16th day of June 1912, this church was badlydamaged by the storm, which also destroyed the Methodist church in thesouth end of Dublin.
"The Christian church being in the direct path of the storm escapedwithout the slightest injury. Following this storm, meetings were heldand union was perfected of the three denominations into theCongregational church, "now known as the Dublin Community Church.". Theold church property was sold, moved, repaired and is now occupied byHill's grocery.