NameAsa McCauley
Birth1831, Delaware Co., OH47
Death1863, Concord Twp., Delaware Co., OH47
Birth27 Jul 1835, Delaware Co., OH47
Death17 Jul 1912, Dublin, OH47
Notes for Asa McCauley
From Newton book:
Asa McCauley was a carpenter by trade along with his farming. He waskilled at Dulin's Saw Mill explosion, where he went to get his lumbersawed for him.
He had just entered the mill, when he and others seeing that somethingwas wrong started to run. The engineer was a negro who said "Look at theSons-of-bitches run", when the boiler let go, four were killed and one onthe outside was badly crippled. The bodies were so badly mangled, theonly way they could be recognized was by bits of clothing they werewearing.