NameSamuel Sager
Death12 Aug 1856, Union Co., OH47
Death3 Mar 1850, Union Co., OH47
Notes for Samuel Sager
From Newton book:
He settled on a farm east of Unionville, by issue of his first wife hadsix children, by his second wife had five children. Two of his sonsGEORGE M., a private, Company D. 40th O.V.I. enlisted September 10, 1861.Killed at Kennesaw Mountains June 20, 1864. EDWARD, a private, Company I,121st, O.V.I. enlisted August, 1862. Killed at Kennesaw Mountains June27, 1864.
Samuel died upon his farm after a long and faithful career as a farmer.He was honest and pursued good judgment. Although he enjoyed feweducational advantages, his children received as thorough education asthe times afforded.