NameHazel Dominy
Notes for Hazel Dominy
From Newton book:
"The funeral services of Hazel Dominy, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.L. B. Dominy, who passed away Thursday, July 18, 1901, after a shortillness of Typhoid Fever were held from the family residence Saturdayafternoon at four o'clock.
"The exercises which were short and impressive were conducted by Rev.Wilson assisted by Rev.'s Head and Northrop. The floral offerings werenumerous and very beautiful.
"A quartet rendered the following appropriate selections: 'Some Day We'llUnderstand', 'This Too Must Pass Away', and 'We'll Never Say Good Bye inHeaven'.
"It is seldom that a death in our community has excited such expressionsof common grief and sadness. The home and lawn were filled with friendsand acquaintances met to offer a last tribute of respect to a brightyoung life.
"The deceased was age 17 years, 2 months, and 15 days. Her loss to thehome circle leaves a vacancy that cannot be filled. Almost every residenthad known her as a child and schoolgirl and watched her grow intowomanhood. Her bright and sociable disposition had made her a generalfavorite with a large circle of young companions who deeply mourn herloss.
"Shall he not pluck a lily now and then before it fades with age?"
"Mayor Agard, on behalf of the city, accepted the library after whichRev. J. A. Johnson gave the dedication prayer. Mrs. C. A. Purdum and Mrs.George Heckman rendered a vocal duet after which Rev. E. S. Wilson gavean address on 'The Public Library as a Factor of Good Citizenship', whichwas followed by an address by Rev. C. S. Davies on 'How to Use theLibrary'. Mrs. H. R. Bull rendered a vocal solo and Prof. J. E. Bangs,assistant state superintendent of schools, gave a short talk and theexercises closed with the benediction by Rev. J. W. Bailey.
"Seats were placed in the building and at the time for the exercises tobegin the building was taxed to its utmost capacity by the citizens ofFairbury desirous to be present at the dedication. A large number wereunable to gain admittance to the building, the crowd being so large.
"The business houses closed from two o'clock to half past four and theentire population of the city were thus afforded an opportunity to bepresent at the formal opening of the building which had been erected byMrs. Phoebe Dominy in honor of her deceased husband, Lorenzo B. Dominy,and her daughter, Hazel, and presented to the city for the upbuilding andelevation of the citizens in the intellectual world, and the eagernessexhibited on Tuesday to be present at the formal turning over of thebuilding to the citizens indicated a high appreciation of the magnificentstructure which is doubtless gratifying to the donor.
"A public reception was held in the building Tuesday evening which wasattended by a large number of people. Burch's orchestra furnished musicduring the evening aside from the the vocal rendered by Miss JosephinePatron, Mrs. C. A. Purdum, an instrumental solo by Mrs. E. C. Green andvocal solo by Mrs. George Heckman, Miss Blanche Skinner and Mrs. L. S.Henderson.
"No city in the state of Illinois the size of Fairbury can boast of abetter public library than the building which stands at the corner ofThird and Walnut Streets.
"The ground, building and furnishings cost about $20,000, the buildingbeing a stone colored pressed brick with stone trimmings, 54 feet square,situated one block south of the city Hall, facing north and west withentrances from both sides. Beautiful shade trees surrounding the buildingand walks are cement, the approaches to the building being stone.
"At the west side of the north entrance is a memorial tablet inscribed:'erected by Mrs. L. B. Dominy and presented to the city of Fairbury inmemory of her husband, Lorenzo B. Dominy and their daughter, Hazel, A. D.1904'.
"At the right of the entrance inside the building on the wall is amemorial tablet inscribed 'Hazel', placed there by a number of herfriends.
"At the left of the north entrance is a children's reading room and tothe right of the north entrance is a general reading room, in the centerof which is a large round table.
It Entering the building from the west, on the right is the referenceroom. The librarian occupies her desk about in the center of the room,having a complete view of the entire building and at her back in thesoutheast corner are the stacks of books wherein are stored over 3,000volumes of reading matter catalogued in a manner that will permit thelibrarian to give out a book immediately after it is ordered. The dailypapers and magazines are on file for the patrons.
"The basement of the building is divided into rooms, one of which can beused for library club meetings and another for all public meetings whichare held for educational purposes. The balance of the basement is takenup by the furnace room.
"The building is open, from 1:30 to 5:30 and from 6:30 to; 9:30 P.M.daily except Sunday and legal holidays."