NameAnna May Walker
Birth10 Jul 1883, Madison Co., OH47
Birth25 Apr 1882, Hartsville, NY47
Notes for Anna May Walker
From Newton book:
Anna May born in Canaan Township, Madison County, Ohio, graduated fromthe Plain City High School in 1902, and Ohio State University with a in 1906. She was principal of the West Jefferson High School forthree years- taught History and Civics in the Troy High School, but gaveup teaching, getting married to look after grandmother Louisa H. Dominywho died in 1916.
She is a member and Honorary Past Regent of Buford Chapter, Daughters ofAmerican Revolution; President Regent of Sarage Grant Chapter ofDaughters of the American Colonists, by virtue of being a descendant ofGovernor Thomas Hinckley of Massachusetts.
She also is an active member of the Huntington Womans Club and has heldvarious offices in that association; also of the American Association ofUniversity Women; also of the Congregational Church in Huntington.
William T., her husband, has a B.A. degree from Alfred University,Alfred, New York; and a M.A. degree from the University of Wisconsin. Foreight years he was in the Budget Commissioners office as acting BudgetCommissioner of Ohio, then as Budget Commissioner.
He came to Huntington, West Virginia in 1920, as Manager of a Glasscompany, also was purchasing agent for the Armstrong Electric Company fora number of years. During World War Two he taught mathematics in the highschool, retiring at sixty-five.