NameWilliam H. McKnight
Birth19 Sep 1899, St. Thomas, Canada47
Birth9 Mar 1900, Plain City, OH47
Marriage2 Jul 1924, Detroit, MI47
Notes for William H. McKnight
From Newton book:
MILITARY SERVICE: Of their two sons, WILLIAM H. JR. in the United StatesMarines, entered the service September 5, 1943. Had boot training atParis island, came home for a 10 day furlough, in November went to marinecamp in Dunedin, Florida, then to Oceanside, California, in June left forPearl Harbor; Hawaii.
Was in the following battles: Eniwetok, Saipan, Tingon, on to Iwo Jima onFebruary 19 was still there when the war ended, was sent back to Guam, toHawaii, on to Oceanside, California, discharged, then home to Columbus,Ohio, February 23, 1946.
DECORATIONS AND CITATIONS:-Corporal Bill as he was called. Good ConductMedal, Markmanship Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, Campaign Ribbonswith Battle stars.
After a vacation rest-up he entered Capital University. By taking summercourses, he graduated in three years.
HARRY T. joined the United States Marine Corps September 9,1944 at ParisIsland. He had training at Camp Lejeune North Carolina, and CampPendleton, California.
On March 9, 1945 left for Guam, then to the battle of Okinawa campaign,then came back to Guam, then to Tsingtao, China, there participated insport events after the war was over.
On July 23, 1946 back to San Diego, California, discharged, home toColumbus, Ohio, a private first class. Later he joined the Army Air CorpsReserves at Lockbourne Air Base, and is now a 2nd Lieutenant in the AirForce.
DECORATIONS AND CITATIONS:- Good Conduct Medal, Markmanship Medal,Presidential Unit Citation, Campaign Ribbons with Battle Stars.
A graduate of Ohio State University, he is now a Physical EducationTeacher and Coach at East High School of Columbus, Ohio. 1952.