NameRussell Cramer
Birth29 Jul 1910, Amlin, OH47
Birth22 Jan 1912, Columbus, OH47
Notes for Russell Cramer
From Newton book:
Russell, known to all as Bud, the oldest son of the Cramer twins,received his grade and high school education in the Norwich TownshipLocal Centralized Schools at Hilliards, Ohio. He attended the Ohio StateUniversity in the Department of Agriculture.
He entered into cooperative farming under the advice of his father,closely adhering to the rotary crop system, that had been adopted beforethe retirement and moving of his parents to Columbus, Ohio, in 1937.
He assumed full responsibility of operating the farm. He, after full andcareful consideration, consented entering in township politics, havingbeen elected as Washington Township Trustee - in which capacity, he isnow serving.