NameClarence R. Holt
Birth18 Aug 1912, Franklin Co., OH47
Birth26 Jun 1916, Franklin Co., OH47
Marriage28 Jun 1952, St. Paul's Lutheran Church in New Rome47
Notes for Clarence R. Holt
From Newton book:
MILITARY SERVICE:- In World War Two, Enlisted December 5, 1942 sent toFort Benjamin Harrison, ten days for clothing and equipment.
From there to Camp Chaffee, Arkansas, assigned to the 499th Armored FieldArtillery Hdg. Battalion 14th Armored Division for 9 months and became aCorporal there.
MANEUVERS:-The Tennessee Army Maneurvering Area for 4 months. The CampCampbell Kentucky Area for 3 months. North Carolina for 2 months, theEastern Personnel Reassignment Center, to the 3162nd Signal ServiceCompany, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, 1st of April to December 2, 1944.
Went overseas on the ship, Iale De France. 10 days later arrived atGlasgow, England, then to Herford, England for 3 months.
On the 1st of April 1945 crossed the Channel to Le Havre, France thenceto Camp Lucky Strike, thence to Cheagne, France, receiving one battlescat. Then to Luxemburg for one month to six weeks.
In Metz, France, Bill became a Technical Sergeant and then to Camp TwentyGrand, from June to August inclusive. In a camp near Marseilles, Franceduring September, October, and November. Left Marseilles and went toWeisbaden, Germany, sent a month, then to Frankfurt, Germany, joining the3118th Signal Service Command and hence to Hanhow, Germany to Camp TopHat.
On the 18th day of March 1946, he left Top Hat on the ship Raven,arriving March 27, 1946 in the United States, going to Camp Shanks, Billwas discharged at Camp Atterbury, Indiana, April 1, 1946, arriving homeon the same day.