NameWilbur Edward Beane
Birth17 Jul 1900, Dark Co., OH47
Birth11 Sep 1901, Madison Co., OH47
Notes for Wilbur Edward Beane
From Newton book:
Wilber Edward, was born on a farm in Franklin Township, Dark County,Ohio. He attained his grade and high school education in the FranklinTownship Rural schools, graduating.
He entered Defiance College at Defiance, Ohio, in the fall of 1918,enlisting in the students army training corps, a course prepared by thecollege for officers training. Then the war ended, and he was discharged.He completed a year of normal training at the college, then taught twoyears in the Franklin Township elementary schools.
He registered in the College of Agriculture at Ohio State University inSeptember 1921, graduating in June 1924, with a B.S. degree inagriculture.
Following graduation he accepted a position as Vocational Agricultureinstructor in the high school at Arcadia, Ohio, a position he held fortwenty years; also serving as principal of the schools for a period often years at the same time.
During his teaching at Arcadia, Ohio, he attended summer school at OhioState University, and Stone Biological Laboratory at Gibraltar Island onLake Erie, being granted a Masters Degree from Ohio State in August,1937.
He resigned from teaching in February 1944, to take a position with theDu Pont Company of Wilmington, Delaware as sales demonstrator for theirproducts.
In June, he was notified that he had successfully passed a civil serviceexamination he had taken, and had been appointed a zone deputy collectorin the Internal Revenue Department at Columbus, Ohio.
He resigned his position with the Du Pont Company, coming to Columbus,Ohio in August 1944. He has served the department as a deputy collector,an auditor, and at present is with the Proof of Claims Department in theInternal Revenue Bureau.
It is interesting to note, he was initiated and entered apprentice inArcanum Lodge No. 295 F and A.M. on February 3, 1922, at Arcanum, Ohio,passed to the degree of Philocraft on April 14, 1922, and raised to thedegree of Master Mason on September 26, 1922.
He took the York Rite at Fostoria, Ohio, from 1929 through 1935. He wasHigh Priest of Garfield Chapter at Fostoria in 1937, and Master ofFostoria Council in 1940, and had advanced through the offices ofFostoria Commandery to Generalissimo when he resigned on moving toColumbus, Ohio in 1944.
On April 9, 1938, he was elevated to the Degree of Royal Ark Mariner inInternational Lodge No. 4 Moored to Essex Council No. 12 at Windsor,Canada.
Wilbur took the Scottish Rite work in the Valley of Toledo, Ohio on May10, 1943. He has since transferred all his membership to Columbus, Ohiowith the exception of the Blue Lodge and the Royal Ark Mariner Degree.