NameRussell A. Noble
Birth28 Aug 1918, Columbus, OH47
Notes for Russell A. Noble
From Newton book:
"On March 24, 1942, I took the oath in the Army at Fort Hayes, Columbus,Ohio. On March 30, 1942, I boarded a train for Camp Clarborne, Louisiana,arriving April 1, 1942.
"At this camp I took my basic training, in September 1942, boarded trainfor Fort Bragg,
North Carolina. During my stay there I had two furloughs home, one inOctober 1942, and the other in January 1943
"In April 1943, I took a train for Buzzard Bay, Massachusetts, beingstationed at Camp Edwards. On the 29th day of April 1943, we set sailfrom New York for North Africa. On the 11th day of May 1943, landed atCasablanca, North Africa. "A week later moved to Oujda, where we trainedfor the invasion of the Island of Sicily. In about two weeks the Divisionmoved to Kairouna, North Africa.
"On the night of July 9, 1943, we were on our way for our first combatjump over Sicily. On the 12th day of July 1943, 1 was evacuated fromSicily, to North Africa by a British Hospital Boat, and on July 14, 1943,I arrived at Tripoli, North Africa. Two days later I was flown by planeto Cairo, Egypt, and was put to bed in the 38th General Hospital.
"After two weeks there, was flown to Tel lioir, Palestine, where I spentthe neat two months recuperating.
"In October, I started back to my outfit, taking a train to Cairo, Egypt,then by plane to Algiers, then to Oran, and from there by motor convoy toBizerte.
"On the 18th day of November 1943, we set sail for the British Isles,landing at Belfast, North Ireland, on the 10th day of December 1943. InFebruary 1944, we went to England to prepare for Normandy. The 6th day ofJune, 1944 saw us on our way to Normandy.
"In July, 1944 back to England, in September 1944, we went to Holland, inOctober 1944, returned to Sissones, France, where we settled ourselvesfor a needed rest.
"Then the blow came on the 17th day of December 1944, we were alerted at10:45 P.M. Sunday evening, and 9:00 A.M. Monday December 18, 1944, wewere on our way to Belgium. We not only had the enemy to battle, but theterrible winter weather also.
"On this trip we traveled through Belgium into Germany, stopped atCologne then to Ludwiglust, Germany. It was there that the war ended.Then came the preparation for the trip home.
"Now back to France, where the high point men were sent hone, while therest of the Division was sent to Berlin, Germany, as occupation troops.September 6, 1945, I left southern France. On the 15th day of September1945, landed at Boston, Massachusetts, where I stayed to reactivatemyself back to life in the U.S.A.
"I went to Indiantown Gap to be discharged from the army. On September25, 1945 at 7:30 A.M. I arrived home in Columbus, Ohio, after three and ahalf years in the army, of which two and one half years were spent overseas as a paratrooper, making 6 training jumps, 2 combat jumps, 4practice jumps, or a total of 12 jumps.
"DECORATIONS AND CITATIONS: Purple Heart Medal. Good Conduct Medal.Distinguished Unit Badge. European African Middle Eastern Service Medalwith 6 Bronze Stars and 1 Bronze Arrow Head.
"MILITARY QUALIFICATIONS: Parachute Badge 1943 with 1 Bronze Star. GliderBadge 1944. Rifle M - 1 Marksman 1944.
"CAMPAIGNS: Sicily, Naples, Foggia, Normandy, Reinland, Ardennes, andCentral Europe.
"I was a Tec-5 while in the Army, and am the son of Fred and Martha Nobleof Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio"