NameUriah Lawrence
Notes for Uriah Lawrence
From Newton book:
CHILDREN: They had twelve, of whom CHANCY was only mentioned. RESIDENT:Providence, Rhode Island, removed to North East, Dutchess County, NewYork. A partial copy of the Records of Deeds showing where he securedpossession to his farm. In the Records of Wills, dated September 1, 1759,URIAH mentioned his son CHAUNCY, father of our ancestress, POLLY CLARKLAWRENCE - BARLOW.
MILITARY RECORDS: Service, Dutchess County Militia (Land Bounty Rights),Sixth Regiment, Captain Barlow, Commanding. "New York in theRevolutionary War," Page 249.
General History of Dutchess County, from 1609 to 1876, inclusive, byPhillip N. Smith, Pawling, New York, 1877. On page 244, occurs thefollowing:
"The Lawrence family descended from Uriah. The old gentleman was ajustice of the Peace. A man was brought before him and fined forswearing. He paid his fine, but continued to swear, and the penalty wasagain imposed, and was promptly paid. This was repeated until his friendstook him away from before the magistrate.
"Before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, he canvassed the town tosee how many would pledge to maintain the Colonies. It was a dangerousthing to do, and for it he has been declared a Revolutionary Hero. Hisdescendants are entitled to membership in the Sons and the Daughters ofAmerican Revolution."
History of Little Nine Partners of North East Precinct and Pine Plains,New York, Dutchess County, by Issac Huntting, Printers Charles H. Walsh &Company, Amenia, New York, 1897.
On page 44, occurs the following on the Revolutionary War. URIAH LAWRENCEin the extreme east end of the Precinct, reports as signers, (TheAssociation Pledge,): "Seth Case, Jun. Benini Welldain, Charles Graham,Ichabod Case, Luther Hawley, John Bull, Benjamine Eggleson, JosiahHawley, DAVID LAWRENCE, Abraham Hartwell, Joseph Randell, URIAH LAWRENCE,Phillip Spencer, Elisha Colver, John Porter, Samuel Neeley, Samuel Row,Seth Case, David Harvey, Thomas Merritt, James Wagner, Stephen Truesdel,JONATHAN LAWRENCE, Ebeneser Hartwell, Seth Perry, Ebeneser King, GilbertClapp, Jeremiah Brownell, James Atwater, Archabel Johnson, Joseph Peck,Josiah Hamblin, Simon Darkin, Stephen Merritt, Adam Stevens, AlexanderMcMullen, John Buttolph, Thomas Knapp. Refusing to sign: Danfel Buttolph,Peter Knapp, John Hawley. Uriah Lawrence, Committee. History of DutchessCounty, New York. By Frank Hasbrough, 1909, page 387. List ofSupervisors, 1783, Uriah Lawrence.