NameAlvin Dominy
Birth4 Nov 1817, Madison Co., OH47
Death31 Mar 1875, Darby Township, Madison Co., OH (Cemetery lists death at Mar. 3)50
Birth20 Dec 1822, Madison Co., OH47
Death23 Jan 1846, Madison Co., OH
Death25 Jan 1846, Madison Co., OH51
Birth19 Jun 1827, Enfield, MA82,47
Death29 Aug 1916, Columbus, OH82,47
Notes for Alvin Dominy
From Newton book:
Alvin, son of Jeremiah and Abigail (Norton) Dominy, and his brotherAlmond were the first set of twins to be born in the family, whichtradition has been frequently repeated from the second generation down tothe present time.
His farm of 150 acres is located in Section 3454 Darby Township, he beingone of the county's most influential farmers of that day, also one of theleading stock raisers and buyers in the county.
He held several township offices, and was highly regarded by his fellowtownsmen as being strictly honest and efficient in the duties to which hewas elected.