NameAlonson T. Dominy
Notes for Alonson T. Dominy
From Newton book:
He received a public school education, in his native village, and inearly life engaged in mercantile business of the firm of Dominy andWalker, a general store in his native town, which bears his name today.
In 1887 he was chosen town clerk, for two years, and for twelve years wasone of the towns supervisors, also served as chairman of the board forone year.
He was elected sheriff of the county in 1901, served in 1902, 1903 and1904 residing in Plattsburgh, and on retirement from office returned tohis native town.
He represented his town in the New York Assembly, for a term of twoyears, serving upon the committees of fisheries, game, prisons, soldiers,and agriculture. He labored diligently in forwarding the interest ofnorthern New York.