Family Card - Person Sheet
NameElizabeth Maxson
Birth17 Nov 1695, Westerly, Washington Co., RI75
Death18 Apr 1751, Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ75
Birth5 May 1692, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA75
Death18 Apr 1745, Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ75
Marriage25 Aug 1715, Westerly, Washington Co., RI75
Notes for Elizabeth Maxson
Info from Ann Hayes (
Elizabeth was b.7 Nov 1695 (not primary source, from the Register, vol14, p.168) dau of John Maxson, Jr. and Judith Clarke. Judith was the dauof Joseph Clarke and Bethia Hubbard. Other children of John, Jr.according to this, were Mary (dy), Judith, Hannah, John, Dorothy,Susannah, Joseph (dy) and Avis. Dates are given. This article also hasJohn, Sr. who died 17 Dec 1720, m. Mary Mosher, was son of RichardMaggsen, blacksmith.