NameEleanor R. Dominy
Notes for Eleanor R. Dominy
From Newton book:
RESIDENT:- Columbus, Ohio, now R.F.D. No. 4, Fostoria, Seneca County,Ohio.
"My parents moved from Plain City to North Lewisburg, Ohio, when I wasnine (9) years old. I graduated there, from High School in 1903. In thefall of 1903 and the winter of 1904, attended Bliss Business College,Columbus, Ohio, graduating.
"I went to work for the Watkins Brothers of Toledo, Ohio. There I met myhusband. He was ticketagent and telegraph operator. I was riding back andforth from Toledo to West Mansfield, Ohio, and he sold me my tickets. Wewere married as above noted.
"He was promoted to Train Dispatcher, and we moved from Columbus toFostoria in 1927. He was retired from service on March 1, 1951. We arenow living on our farm three (3) miles from Fostoria on Route No. 4,Ohio.
"You probably have forgotten I am your Mother's name sake. No one knowsme hereby 'Ella' . they call me Eleanor."