NameHenry W. Wright
Notes for Henry W. Wright
From Newton book:
MILITARY SERVICE:- In 1864, Henry Wright laid aside his business andenlisted in Company D, 12th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, serving hiscountry faithfully until the close of the Civil War.
RESIDENT:- Canaan Township, Madison County, Amity, Ohio. Moved to Plain,City, Ohio. Retired.
He in his early life, operated a Wood-Workman Shop. He built for thepeople of the community for miles around, such things as wagons, harrows,both single and double shovel plows; which were used extensively at thatday in cultivating the corn crop. (Known as the Amity Wagon Shop.)
During that awful Cholera epidemic, which struck terror in the village ofAmity and surrounding community in 1850, he and his brother John, who washelping him at his trade at that time, since the people were dying sofast, turned the shop into a coffin making shop. The people would come asfar as the gate post at the road, as this leads to the shop, tack up thesize wanted and he would go get it, make the box, take it out and lean itup against the post and get another measurement to be built.
To support this, it can be seen today in the "Cuttler Cemetery", a plotmarking the resting place of those who died in this epidemic.
As time passed on manufacturing of these farm implements became wellestablished; and the old Amity Wagon Shop disappeared. So he made farminghis livelihood until about 1900, when he moved to Plain City, retiringfrom active duty.