NameArmina * "Mina" Agusta CLARK
Birth5 Mar 1864, Lena, Illinois163
Death1941, Lovelock, Pershing, Nevada163
Burial1941, Ontario, Malheur, OR163
Birth3 Feb 1857, Canada163
DeathSep 1936, Ontario, Malheur, OR163
Marriage5 Nov 1882, Moorhead, Iowa163
Notes for Armina * "Mina" Agusta CLARK
[descendants of edward bull.FTW]
(From a clipping in an Ontario, Oregon newspaper, no name or date,although a handwritten date of 1941)
Armina Augusta Clark Terwilligar 1864-1941
Funeral Service Held For Former Resident
Funeral services for Mrs. S. B. Terwilligar, 77, former long-timeresident of Ontario, were held at 1 p.m. Saturday in the Petersonfuneral home with the Rev. Fred McConnelee officiating, and burial was inthe Ontario cemetery.
Tre. Terwilliger was born Mina Clark in Lena, Illinois, March 5, 1864.She married S. B. Terwilliger in 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Terwilliger lived atthe home of a daughter, Myrl Rose, in Lovelock, Nevada at the time of herdeath.
Surviving relatives are three children, Harry Terwilliger, Bend; SaraLoveland, Klamath Falls; and Myrl Rose, Lovelock; two brothers, GeorgeClark, Portland; and Will Clark, Seaside, California; three sisters,Sada Landingham, Cleveland, Ohio; Rachel Griffith, Minnesota; andElizabeth Canfield, Ontario; five grandchildren, and four greatgrandchildren.