NameHenry (Brower) Brewer 
Birth31 Oct 1772, (possibly Holland -but could be NY)162,163
Birth3 Oct 1772
Death1 Nov 1836, Bloomfield, Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co, Ontario, Canada164,165,163
Burial1836, Bowermans Hill Cemetery; Canada , Ontario, Prince Edward Co., Hallowell Twp., Bloomfield163
Birth13 Mar 1780
Death30 Dec 1870, Elgin Co. , Ontario, Canada165,164,163
Burial1870, St Peters / Tryoconnell, Dunwich Twp. Elgin Co., Ontario, Canada164,163
Marriage4 Apr 1801, probably Brooklyn, NY, or around New York harbor166,163
Notes for Henry (Brower) Brewer
[descendants of edward bull.FTW]
1772 born possibly Holland, but could be NY
1802 New York, Schenectady, Schenectady - Maria born
1803 - George born
1805 - Henry born
1807 - Elizabeth born
1811 New York, Utica - Sarah born
1825 - Pamelia born
1818 - Charlotte born
1820 New York - Daniel born
1823 - Freelove born
1826 - Harvey born
1836 died Canada ,Ontario, Prince Edward Co., Hallowell Twp., Bloomfield
Buried: Bowermans Hill Cemetery [Information from Ruth Melander Gulevich]
1.) Dr. W. K. Burr / Compiled and Edited by Ross and Allene Werden Burr,Historical Sketches of Prince Edward County, (1974 Picton GazettePublishing Co.), Historical Sketches of Prince Edward County, Dr. W. K.Burr, (1974 Picton Gazette Publishing Co.). This book covers many ofthe settlers to Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada, giving manyfamilies a chapter devoted to them.