NameJohn Dominy 
Birth23 Oct 1796
*New [OCCU]Governor of Oahu79
Death11 Nov 1917, California79
Notes for John Dominy
"CHILDREN - it is a well established fact they had one DAUGHTER, who wasconsidered the most beautiful lassie on the Island.
RESIDENT-The Sandwich Islands, better known as the Hawaiian. When cousinNathaniel, with his wife, Doris, and his father, Charles of Boston,Massachusetts, attended our reunion on August 17, 1952, he had in hispossession letters John's father and mother had written, which I read andreturned. John was the Captain of a vessel that sailed the seven seas.The most peculiar instance, he never returned home; his parents wereunable to understand what it meant!
I have from good authority, and a well established fact, that on one ofhis voyages to the Sandwich Islands, he was shipwrecked at, sea about onemile off the shore of Oahu, where he swam to shore. He appeared to theIslanders a man of great stature, robust and brawny, six feet two inchesin height, perfect manhood! When seen by this Island Maiden later tobecome Island Queen, it was love at first sight and she was ready torelinquish all her Royal rights, so that she could marry the man trulyand dearly loved.
It took some shrewd work on the part of her brother, The Island King, tosuspend some of the Island Customs, so that his sister could marry theman she loved. After the marriage, He (John) was made Governor of Oahu,The Island which saved his life and later on upon the death of herbrother, she became Queen LILL of the Sandwich Islands, now the Hawaiian,one of our island possessions, which is our key possession in the greatPacific. What happened to us on December 7th, 1941, long will it beremembered. "
-- Newton J. Dominy pg 72