NameHenry Dominy
Birth15 Dec 1746, East Hampton, Long Island, NY45
Death23 Jan 1817, Beekmantown, NY45
ChildrenHenry (1774-1834)
Notes for Henry Dominy
From Newton book:
MILITARY SERVICE: The muster roles of Col. Josiah Smith, Regiment at EastHampton, Long Island, New York gives Henry, son of Nathaniel andElizabeth Eyers Dominy, Sergeant, age 29 years, height 6 feet, 1 inch,occupation Yoeman, Resident, East Hampton, Long Island, New York.ENLISTED, July 26, 1775. 1st Regiment, 12 Company, Suffolk County,Militia of Minute Men.
[more from Newton book]
In the spring of 1796, he went from East Hampton, Long Island toBeekmantown, Clinton County, where he purchased a patentee on 600 acresof wild land and settled there as a pioneer. His brother John located inthe eastern part of the town.
He also was the first land surveyor in that section of the state. Hereadily perceived the advantages and future possibilities of his state,and was instrumental in the development of agricultural resources in thatsection of his state.
As to his service in defense of his country, I found on makinginvestigation that our records are well supported by the RevolutionaryWar Records of the State of New York in the state
library at Albany. TO WIT:
DOMINY, HENRY. Listed as a private and sergeant in the First Regiment ofSuffolk County, Militia, Colonal Josiah Smith's regiment of Minute Men.Born, East Hampton. Age 29 years. Height 6'-1". Complexion Dark. HairLight. Occupation - Yoeman. Soldiers 58 - Examined according to the bestof my knowledge, they are Sound, Healthy and Able Body. July 26, 1776.
David Mulford, Muster Master for said County. New York in the Revolutionas Colony and State. Volume No. 1, 169.
DOMINY, HENRY. Associator in East Hampton, Suffolk County, New York. May5, 1775. Listed as head of a family in East Hampton, Suffolk County, in1776. Family consisted of one male above 16 and under 50, and one maleunder 16, and one female above 16. - "Calendar of historical manuscriptsrelating to War of the Revolution. Volume 1. Pages 56, 404.