NameJohn T. Dominy
Birth24 Sep 1825, Madison Co., OH2
Death6 Jun 1911, Hardy, Nuchalls Co., Nebraska2
Marriage24 Sep 1847, Madison Co., OH2
Notes for John T. Dominy
From Newton book:
John was the sixth son of Jeremiah and Abigail (Norton) Dominy, born inDarby township, Madison County, Ohio. His parents migrated with hisgrand-father, James and Deulana (Howe) Norton, natives of New York Statein 1811.
He married Martha, the daughter of Abram and Chloe (Marsh) Scrubner, alsoa native of New York State. They reared a family of three daughters andtwo sons.
He owned a farm of 180 acres of land, east of Amity, Ohio in Canaantownship, Madison county, Ohio. Selling his farm, he removed his familyto Nebraska State, where he homesteaded and resumed farming - the work heloved to do!
In politics, he was a staunch Republican, having filled many townshipoffices while a resident of Canaan township.
"HAD KILLED!" As related to me years ago, the State was opening up newhomestead lands. Uncle John and his sons were making arrangements to beat the opening day. All was in readiness - the horse teams hitched theseat on the wagon in those days was close behind the team - the foot restwas over the double-tree.
They had broken a team of colts for this occasion. "Had" mounted theseat, ready to move, when the wagons started. The young team becameexcited from the wagon's rattle and started to run away - kickingviciously with both hind feet. From where Had sat, trying to hold histeam, he received the full impact in his stomach and liver, causing arupture, which resulted in his death.