Goodrich Court - England
 Milton House - Built in 1845 by Joseph Goodrich,
Milton, WI
 Joseph Goodrich -- founder of Milton and Milton College (1800-1867)
 Nancy Maxson Goodrich (1796-1857)
 Goodrich Home, Milton Park, Milton House
 Jeremiah R. Davis (1802-1896)
 Mercy (Davis) Davis (1805-1874)
 Jeremiah Davis -- 1910
 Jane (Goodrich) Davis
 Ezra and Elizabeth (Ensign) Goodrich, Jane (Goodrich) and Jeremiah Davis -- 1852
 Jeremiah Davis (1826-1910) and Jane Goodrich Davis (1828-1903)
 California Pioneers -- Jeremiah Davis, George Custer, John Herr, George Emery, Israel Sunderland, David W. Miller, H. A. Eastman, George W. Hoskiss
 Drawing of Jeremiah's trip to California and back
 Alice, Henry, and Milton Davis (Alice & Henry were born in Milton House)
 Alice and Minnie Davis (Minnie died soon after this picture was taken)